Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Entry Number One - YAYYY!!


I'm doing it. I'm actually doing it. Who would have thought?? I'm finally writing on this thing!!

Let's see...
What to write??

Story: Cameron and I were recently staying with my Indonesian grandparents in Arizona. Before I traveled there, I had taken a bunch of clothes out of my closet (not to be confused w closent) and I laid them on the backseat of my car. Hanger and all. I figure that when I got there I could easily hang them in the closet and save the trouble of a suitcase. Well, when I got there no closet was available, and so I decided to keep them laid out neatly on the backseat and go out every morning to pick out what to wear. We planned on being there indefinitely so I thought it was the perfect solution. A couple of days of being there, and after my brother had shoved all the clothes to one side so he could sit in the back, it was a mess.
My very asian grandmother (half indonesian half chinese) we call her Oma, happened to see this mess. Now just so you have a little background info, asians are very neat people, at least all the ones I'm related to. They are so neat that they fold their grocery bags. And I mean folding them precisely. More precise than how I fold my clothes. Which is precise. Anyway back to the story.
My Oma comes up to me and says (in an asian accent), "Why not have clothes in suitcase, Julia? You not have suitcase? I give you suitcase."
I told her it was fine and that I had put my clothes neatly back there, and that they had gotten pushed to the side and messed up. I said I would straighten them and that I didn't want her to have to give me her suitcase.
But... Asians are stubborn, at least all the ones I'm related to, and my oma had it made up in her mind that I was going to put my clothes in her suitcase. So she held out that darn suitcase for me to take. As I walked away with it I could hear her say, "Now people won't think you are homeless!!"

Irony: We are in fact, homeless.

I can't wait to finally be settled into a place of our own (Not that we aren't so completely and totally grateful to our families for taking us in)!! Just about one more month to go. Hopefully...

Well folks, I did it. I really did it. I finally wrote my first blog entry. Aren't you all so proud :)


  1. Yeah! I've been waiting for this day :) I've heard a few stories about your Oma before, but this ones a killer. She sounds adorable. I hope things work out and you can get settled into your own place soon!

  2. Oh Julia! I am so proud! ha ha! I love that story! Your Oma sounds like the best! ;) Good luck finding a place to call home!

  3. That was so funny, I like your blog post, you need to post more often!!!

  4. i can't wait til you guys are here!
    and i love the punchline.

  5. Dear Julia,
    It was so good to see you guys at Warren's wedding! I also think it's time for you to update your blog...just saying... ;)
